Saturday, June 15, 2013

Apo and me

This one is for the one man who has always been there for me.

Lift me up again on to your shoulder
And show me the twinkling lights of Kohima.
Seat me under the pear tree and bounce me on your knees.
Sing me the song about aeroplanes and trains you saw in Dimapur.
Get me an ice cream from there too and not just papayas and litchees.
Tell me again about the big buses that ply in Kohima.
When are we moving to town to our new house?
Did you hear the song I sang for your from the balcony last week?
Why did you come home looking like a stranger and make me cry?
I love the black hat that you brought home.
And the big umbrella I can sit under and play.
Sing me some hindi songs again please?
Can I try my hand at your typewriter?

Apa! Apa!
Let's go for a ride on your noisy bike please.
I swear I won't fall off, I will cling to you like how you showed me to.
Please take me to the river again and teach me how to catch a fish.
Let's go check the bamboo grooves and catch some frogs.
I chewed so much gum today, we can glue many cicadas for sure.
Show me how to lift the latch and launch a catapult.
Now I know how to dress a chicken and cut wood the right way.
Help me lift this basket to my head. Oh! So that's how it is done?
Let's go buy a radio and some jeans.
And can I have some singaras too?

Apa! Apa!
Take me to town to eat chow and momos.
And say hello to the azaleas at the War Cemetery.
Or maybe have chai and puri at your office canteen.
Those aunties might give me a piece of cake again.
You have so many friends at work?
We have to fill up my forms and please sign this for me?
Thank you and now please let me go to the class picnic?
Where should I go to attend college?
Followed your footsteps and this is awesome.
My holidays begin soon and I need you to pick me up from hostel.
I should have done better and made you prouder.
No. I want to explore my options.
It's okay. I'll be gone for just three years....five years.
I am a big girl now. I know what is right for me.
Why can't I be with this boy? I'll be just fine.
Leave me alone. Why don't you understand?

Apa! Apa!
You were right. I should have listened to you.
Now I will. You know better.
I just want to be your little girl.
Don't send me away yet! I don't want to go.
Apa! I'm unhappy. He doesn't want me and I can't do this anymore.
Can I come back home please?
Thank you Apa. You always have my back.
I am sorry for embarrassing you.
I will try harder.

Apa! Apa!
Please stay awhile. Let's watch a movie.
Discuss the books you taught me to love.
I know you are bored and tired these days.
Can I do something to help? Come stay with me.
Let's go on a trip.
It's my turn to show you something fun to do.
Let's fry dal and chicken and some pumpkin.
Like good ole times.
While Mom watch us amused.
Daddy and his little girl.